Break Out Session 1

Moderated by Dr. Cesar Escobar-Viera

  • Using Google AdWords to reach out to individuals searching for suicide related terms

  • Predicting Youth Suicide Attempts from Electronic Health Records Using Machine Learning and NLP in a Children’s Hospital Healthcare System

  • Prevalence rates and circumstances of suicide following contact with a digital mental health service

  • Association of Cyber-victimization and Cyber-bullying with Suicidality in a Large US Adolescents Sample

Break Out Session 2

Moderated by Dr. Lora Burke

  • Effectiveness of a newly adapted internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for depression and anxiety in breast cancer survivors: Results from a randomised controlled trial

  • Delivery and Outcomes of Modernized Collaborative Care for Depression among Primary Care Patients from a Safety Net Healthcare System: Results from the eIMPACT Trial

  • Comparison of outcomes across low-intensity psychological interventions for depression and anxiety within a stepped-care setting: A naturalistic cohort study using propensity score modelling.

  • Redesigning the Informed Consent Process to Ensure Digital Inclusion for Older Adults


  • Values, Voice and Citizenship: Internet Interventions for Youth Empowerment and Social Change (75 Minutes)

  • Psychosocial interventions using digital in Brazil and Hong Kong (75 Minutes)

  • Bench to Market: Addressing the Challenges of Commercialization as a Strategy for Dissemination of Evidence-based Interventions (75 Minutes)