Break Out Session 1
Moderated by Dr. Martina Anto-Ocrah
A tale of two countries: Utilisation of digital mental health services during COVID-19 in Australia and New Zealand.
A. Elders, A. Mahoney, M. Millard
Examining the impact of a web-based mental health service on mental health outcomes among Australian secondary students during the COVID-19 pandemic
M. Subotic-Kerry, T. A. Braund, D. Gallen, S. H. Li1, B. Parker1, M. Achilles, C. Chakouch, S. Baker, A. Werner-Seidler, B. O'Dea
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on a digital mental health service over time: A time-series analysis of changes in presenting concerns, engagement, a demographics in the UK
L. Mainstone-Cotton
Ways to reduce worry during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results and lessons learned from a randomized controlled trial evaluating internet-based self-help intervention versus public mental health advice.
Heckendorf, Hanna; Lehr, Dirk; Boß, Leif
Break Out Session 2
The Unmind Index: Development and international validation of a new digital measure of mental health and wellbeing
Hybrid Experimental Designs for Intervention Development: What, Why and How
Establishing experimental research frameworks for continuous clinical insights and service optimization. The experience of SilverCloud Health
Analysis of three randomized controlled trials on the effects of an online recovery training for employees with sleep problems- A comparison of Bayesian and classical analysis
From design to service-ready product: Pragmatic digital health product development (90 Minutes)
Building Personalized Alcohol Use Interventions for Young Adults Using In-the-Moment Smartphone-Based Assessment, Passive Sensing, & Machine Learning (90 Minutes)
Building robust digital health interventions: Experience from 15 years of a multidisciplinary academic research center (90 Minutes)