Break Out Session 1

Moderated by Dr. Martina Anto-Ocrah

  • A tale of two countries: Utilisation of digital mental health services during COVID-19 in Australia and New Zealand.

    • A. Elders, A. Mahoney, M. Millard

  • Examining the impact of a web-based mental health service on mental health outcomes among Australian secondary students during the COVID-19 pandemic

    • M. Subotic-Kerry, T. A. Braund, D. Gallen, S. H. Li1, B. Parker1, M. Achilles, C. Chakouch, S. Baker, A. Werner-Seidler, B. O'Dea

  • The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on a digital mental health service over time: A time-series analysis of changes in presenting concerns, engagement, a demographics in the UK

    • L. Mainstone-Cotton

  • Ways to reduce worry during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results and lessons learned from a randomized controlled trial evaluating internet-based self-help intervention versus public mental health advice.

    • Heckendorf, Hanna; Lehr, Dirk; Boß, Leif

Break Out Session 2

  • The Unmind Index: Development and international validation of a new digital measure of mental health and wellbeing

  • Hybrid Experimental Designs for Intervention Development: What, Why and How

  • Establishing experimental research frameworks for continuous clinical insights and service optimization. The experience of SilverCloud Health

  • Analysis of three randomized controlled trials on the effects of an online recovery training for employees with sleep problems- A comparison of Bayesian and classical analysis


  • From design to service-ready product: Pragmatic digital health product development (90 Minutes)

  • Building Personalized Alcohol Use Interventions for Young Adults Using In-the-Moment Smartphone-Based Assessment, Passive Sensing, & Machine Learning (90 Minutes)

  • Building robust digital health interventions: Experience from 15 years of a multidisciplinary academic research center (90 Minutes)