Break Out Session 1

Moderated by Dr. Ana Radovic

  • A culturally adapted internet-delivered mindfulness intervention for treating psychological distress among university students in Indonesia

  • Use of a custom testing locator tool to improve STI and HIV testing rates in adolescent men who have sex with men as part of an online sexual health program

  • Mobile Phone Keystroke Dynamics as a Digital Phenotype of Mental Health in Adolescents: Findings from the Future Proofing Study

  • Factors associated with adolescents’ engagement with a Healthy Lifestyles app

Break Out Session 2

Moderated by Dr. Kelly Williams

  • Online-Psychotherapy as a bridging Technique for Gaps in the Treatment of Patients with Depression

  • Should online health surveys routinely include links to digital interventions?

  • Leveraging digital trace data to examine differences in smartphone application preferences between healthy and psychologically distressed young adults


  • Towards Digital Health Equity: Digital Literacy, Navigators, and App Evaluation (90 Minutes)

  • Designing for innovation: bringing human-centered design and product management tools to the development of digital interventions for health research (90 Minutes)

  • Mobile sensing: Novel approaches, innovations, and considerations (90 Minutes)

  • Why and how we intervene with dyads: Three examples of dyadic e/mHealth interventions (90 Minutes)

  • The impact and experience of online help-seeking and self-screening for people experiencing mental health difficulties (90 Minutes)