Break Out Session 1
Moderated by Dr. Ana Radovic
A culturally adapted internet-delivered mindfulness intervention for treating psychological distress among university students in Indonesia
Use of a custom testing locator tool to improve STI and HIV testing rates in adolescent men who have sex with men as part of an online sexual health program
Mobile Phone Keystroke Dynamics as a Digital Phenotype of Mental Health in Adolescents: Findings from the Future Proofing Study
Factors associated with adolescents’ engagement with a Healthy Lifestyles app
Break Out Session 2
Moderated by Dr. Kelly Williams
Online-Psychotherapy as a bridging Technique for Gaps in the Treatment of Patients with Depression
Should online health surveys routinely include links to digital interventions?
Leveraging digital trace data to examine differences in smartphone application preferences between healthy and psychologically distressed young adults
Towards Digital Health Equity: Digital Literacy, Navigators, and App Evaluation (90 Minutes)
Designing for innovation: bringing human-centered design and product management tools to the development of digital interventions for health research (90 Minutes)
Mobile sensing: Novel approaches, innovations, and considerations (90 Minutes)
Why and how we intervene with dyads: Three examples of dyadic e/mHealth interventions (90 Minutes)
The impact and experience of online help-seeking and self-screening for people experiencing mental health difficulties (90 Minutes)