Break Out Session 1

Moderated by Dr. Charles Jonasaint

  • Integrating Behavioral Science and Design Thinking to Develop mHealth Interventions: Systematic Scoping Review

  • In-Person vs. Remote Online Training in AF-CBT for Providers Serving Aggressive Families in the U.S. and Abroad: Findings from a 1-year Learning Community

  • A qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the integration of a mHealth solution (IMPACHS) into early intervention treatment for psychosis

  • Mental Health Services Reform: Integrating Digital and Clinical Mental Health Care using Smart, Co-Designed Digital Tools

Break Out Session 2

Moderated by Dr. Mark Hoogendoorn

Break Out Session 3

  • Technology-Assisted Motivational Interviewing: Developing a Scalable Framework for Promoting Engagement with Tobacco Cessation Using NLP and Machine Learning

  • #BingeDrinking: Using Social Media to Understand College Binge Drinking

  • Using Supervised Machine Learning to Identify Smoking Cessation App Features that Predict Successful Quitting

  • Identification of Maternal Depression Risk from Natural Language Collected in a Mobile Health App

  • Transdiagnostic self-help treatments for anxiety and/or depression: A full-factorial RCT investigating psychotherapeutic modalities, discussion boards and treatment length

  • Effectiveness of a universal prevention program for the prevention of anxiety, depression and substance misuse: 7-year outcomes from a cluster randomised controlled trial delivered in adolescence.

  • Time to onset of major depressive disorder: One year results from the EVIDENT-study, an RCT of an internet intervention for depression

  • Does the MindDoc App help people with mental health issues? Results from a randomized controlled trial.


  • Human-Centered Design Methodologies to Improve Health Equity and Engage Underserved Young People in Digital Health Interventions (90 Minutes)

  • Outcomes and engagement in smartphone-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy and cognitive bias modification (90 Minutes)


How I Built This – ISRII Edition Part 2

  • Nick Allen, PhD

  • Michael Businelle, PhD

  • Shivdev Rao, MD