Break Out Session 1
Moderated by Dr. Charles Jonasaint
Integrating Behavioral Science and Design Thinking to Develop mHealth Interventions: Systematic Scoping Review
In-Person vs. Remote Online Training in AF-CBT for Providers Serving Aggressive Families in the U.S. and Abroad: Findings from a 1-year Learning Community
A qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the integration of a mHealth solution (IMPACHS) into early intervention treatment for psychosis
Mental Health Services Reform: Integrating Digital and Clinical Mental Health Care using Smart, Co-Designed Digital Tools
Technology-Assisted Motivational Interviewing: Developing a Scalable Framework for Promoting Engagement with Tobacco Cessation Using NLP and Machine Learning
#BingeDrinking: Using Social Media to Understand College Binge Drinking
Using Supervised Machine Learning to Identify Smoking Cessation App Features that Predict Successful Quitting
Identification of Maternal Depression Risk from Natural Language Collected in a Mobile Health App
Transdiagnostic self-help treatments for anxiety and/or depression: A full-factorial RCT investigating psychotherapeutic modalities, discussion boards and treatment length
Effectiveness of a universal prevention program for the prevention of anxiety, depression and substance misuse: 7-year outcomes from a cluster randomised controlled trial delivered in adolescence.
Time to onset of major depressive disorder: One year results from the EVIDENT-study, an RCT of an internet intervention for depression
Does the MindDoc App help people with mental health issues? Results from a randomized controlled trial.
Human-Centered Design Methodologies to Improve Health Equity and Engage Underserved Young People in Digital Health Interventions (90 Minutes)
Outcomes and engagement in smartphone-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy and cognitive bias modification (90 Minutes)
How I Built This – ISRII Edition Part 2
Nick Allen, PhD
Michael Businelle, PhD
Shivdev Rao, MD