Break Out Session 1

Moderated by. Dr. Charles Jonassaint

  • Can a personalized telephone coaching reduce mental health problems in farmers? Long-term outcomes from a pragmatic randomized controlled trial

  • Machine Learning Identifies a COVID-19-Specific Participant Profile in Mental Healthcare App Users

  • MyMood&Me: A randomized cross over trial of text tasks to determine the linguistic markers of depression and anxiety

  • Social Reinforcement Learning Parameters Change with Web-Based Interpretation Bias Modification

Break Out Session 2

  • Examining concurrent validity of the Wants and Needs Outcome Measure (SWAN-OM) in a web-based therapy service for Single-session and one-at-a-time therapy for children and young people.

  • A probabilistic clinical prediction tool to estimate functional impairment trajectories in youth mental health services

  • "It feels really real": Needs assessment and participatory design of a virtual reality app for vocational recovery in youth mental health

  • Improving student mental health by developing, evaluating, and implementing effective web-based interventions: results from the Caring Universities project


  • Leveraging Human-centered Design In Intervention Development: Examples From Four Projects Focused On Mental Well-being Of Lgbtq+ Youth (90 Minutes)

  • Looking under the hood of digital parenting programs: What do parents look for and how do they engage with these interventions? (90 Minutes)

  • Curbing the rise of adolescent suicide: Evaluation of a suite of technology tools for enhancing treatment for depression and suicidality in pediatric primary care (90 Minutes)